HELP! I bought equipment drunk, don’t know anything.

So I woke up with a very sore head and depleted bank account this morning.

Recently bought an Audiolab 6000a and Elekit TU-8500 tube preamp. I’ve never owned a preamp before and I hope they’re compatible for my KEF Q11.

I then had a few bottles of wine...

Woke up and saw I had purchased a passive pair of Bryston A2.

Will the amp be able to power the speakers? I don’t listen to loud music. 
Please help this idiot. 
Long time lurker.

Best thread ever.

18 years of sobriety today.

Have learned that I don't need to be drunk to [insert wildly impulsive audio purchase here]. At least I wake up and remember now lol.
Can i plug an amp line out into the preamp line in, then run the preamp out back into the poweramp in? Or will that create a blackhole?
You certainly should not run an amplified out from your speaker taps on the amp back into a line level input on a pre.  I used to do that and called it "wiring amps in series" but it's a seriously dumb thing to do and it doesn't increase power or do anything else other than impress your college roomates that you can splice a speaker wire back into an RCA jack.

If you are talking about a line out - say a tape loop or preamp out, you can do it. Depending on the topography of the gear, daisy chaining all this together could dilute the signal and degrade quality.  And bluetooth is generally not considered quality.

One thing I like about Roon for digital is that you can use their zone functions to duplicate a signal through multiple DACs and still have them synched, which allows more tinkering.  

Have fun!  I second the idea of not drinking heavily while soldering, but there are of course other intoxicants that might enhance your experience.  
your Not an Idiot! you were just being Honest and wanting an Honest Answer.., Please Commend yourself for Doing as Such! ! Personally do Things.. Purchases.. and I'm Sure We All Have even Straight as an Arrow.. and the next day we scratch our head.. I Have..

What's up with all the random capitalization? You typing on some sort of "special" keyboard?

How long did you purchase?

Perhaps it is not too late to cancel the order and contact your credit card company to stop payments?
Aren’t we ALL guilty of that to some extent esp when we were (are) locked down?!?