Voyagers Being Delivered. Comments Please

I haven't gotten mine yet, so looking for comments.

I've said all along that it's going to take something really special to improve upon my EVS 1200. And since I first started the fire of interest for the Voyager, I discovered how much better coax is than optical. That discovery alone has made a quantum improvement, so...
LSA Voyager GaN 350......350 watts a channel GaN amp....been delayed for almost 2 years.  Hopefully, it is good.  We shall see.

The other thread has been overrun with ASR fetishists, so since I actually own a Voyager, I feel like it's safe to comment here. I am merely a high school English and guitar teacher, not an electrical engineer, but I have owned some nice equipment over the years. I can only relate that for me the LSA is a clear step up from Parasound Halo A21 it's replacing, and while my W4S SX-1000R monos are awesome, I find the LSA to be smoother and more refined, while being quite competitive with the W4S on the bottom end. The W4S are heading for HT duty. The LSA is a very good amp and I'm quite pleased with it. 

Thanks. I needed some pallet cleanser after reading 30+ comments that will likely get Jays' thread pulled, mostly because Ric cannot keep his new age comments to himself. 

I had an A23, which leaned toward dark, and was extremely warm to the touch, in spite of it being in a wide open space.


I owned several W4S amps, including; stereo, mono, and multichannel: None held a candle to my stock Yoyager, or my Ric Schultz EVS1200, which I raved about until the V arrived