KR Audio KT150

I believe these are the first aftermarket 150's but I'm not sure. Anyone know about these? All I know so far is they are very expensive. 
Yes I am aware of the KT170. I might have posted about those a couple months ago.
Just hadn't heard about any boutique/premium KT150's before and thought I'd see if anyone knew much about them.
@tsushima1 I am merely pointing out that Tung Sol have produced a newer KT series valve with a greater power handling capability than their previous ‘king of the KT’s’ their KT150....You seem a little tense over an accurate statement of fact !

Nah, was hoping to learn more IF you had first hand experience with the KT170s you were reporting about as the new "King".  I'm not interested in more powerful tubes, only higher quality tubes with improved sound. More power capability "or the latest version" of any tube is not necessarily better, in some cases it can actually sound worse. Nothing new learned here. Looking for first hand experience by members.   

I agree...Certainly where ARC are concerned...I remember it was like extracting blood from a stone from them when the new KT150’s were hot off the Tung Sol production line...In all fairness, kudos to ARC,  they were spending the time diligently soak testing the new valve with further in test units  before they were prepared to sanction them, particularly in  units still under warranty
@tsushima1 okay, thanks for clarifying that.  I too am curious about the KT170s and future remakes of the KT150s we might see down the road.  

With my system I've had to tube roll quite a bit (25 different pairs) with my smaller input and driver tubes.  The goal has been to move the needle on sound with the KT150s to get them closer to what I liked about all of my former EL34 and KT88 tubes on other amps. I'm less into neutral sound and more in to finding that balance of tube magic and neutral, somewhere in between.   

Finding the right input tubes and interconnect cables has been an interesting venture, and [finally] now the KT150s are showing their real potential. Keeping an eye out maybe like others are, and seeing these KRKT150s shows there maybe more in the future.  To your point, have not heard the KT170s.  Will be looking for reports and chatter too. Thanks!