Von Schweikert VR4SR MK2 any good?

I have a chance to pick a pair of these up! Anybody ever listened to a pair? I currently have Egglstonworks Andra II in my main system and at my cabin I have Aerial Acoustic 10t. Are these an upgrade to the aerials? I’d probably run them in that system as I’m pretty happy with my Andras. Also anybody know what they sold for new and a fair price for a used pair? I’m having trouble putting a value on them. 
Thanks for the input! Seems people either love them or hate them. I was really hoping they would be an upgrade from the 10T’s. What do you guys think a mint pair is worth? 
I owned both of the speakers. Both are heavy especially the Andra's.
I sold the VS and then purchased the Andra ll.
The Von Schweikert VR4SR MK2 has more treble, perhaps too much, including a rear tweeter. A little bright for me.
The Andra has the Esotar tweeter that many rave about. I thought it was a little soft.
I would say the VS to be worth about $2500.
