Turntable isolation platform Recommendations?

I currently have a Critical Mass isolation platform on loan. Does anyone have any other suggestions I might look at?  Possibly considering the HRS 

any feedback would be greatly appreciated..

I have a Garrard 301 mounted in an Acustand Solid Plinth2, so I don't use a separate platform. Just three IsoAcoustics Orea Indigo feet is all I need. My 'table sits on a heavy mid-century modern buffet. I can strike the buffet  with a mallet while an LP is playing with the plinth sitting on the IsoAcoustics feet with nary a skip or a jump. Strike the plinth itself the same way and all hell breaks loose. I used Sorbothane  footers before the IsoAcoustics Orea feet and they were about half as effective.
Hi iconicaudio:
Not only agree with millercarbon, but I’ve bern usin for years the Townshend platform with SONDEK/EKOS/LINGO and music is more open and bright, and bass more strict.
Not only with turntable, but I’m still using Townshend platforms  with the speakers.
It deserves.

@iconicaudio   There are quite a number of good solutions available, most of which have been mentioned above.  I did plenty of reading and research and ended up choosing the Symposium Acoustics Segue ISO.  I also added their Rollerblock Jr. HDSE.  The combination of those products provided excellent results in better defined bass, a slightly better soundstage, and very precise imaging.  
I would suggest that you read a lot of reviews and educate yourself to make what you believe will be the best decision for you.
If you wish to learn more about the Symposium Segue ISO then contact them and speak directly with Peter (owner of the company).  He is easy to speak with, a wealth of knowledge on the science of isolation and vibration control (both internal and external), and is very glad to share that knowledge and discuss your specific needs.  Easy to find their website and contact information.
Good luck to you on your quest.