@stuartk the likeness with dadaïst art is not far off the mark. FZ definitely had an absurdist outlook on life. He even called his non musical business ventures 'intercontinental absurdities'. If you're open to a new 'take' on Zappa's lyrics, you should make an effort to read the book "The Negative Dialectics of Poodle Play" by Ben Watson, a British literature scholar. I won't spoil the fun by saying any more about its contents, but intertextual connections are made from ancient Greek tragedies to James Joyce and all stops in between. you won't believe what you read.
The author apparently was dead serious, but Zappa himself couldn't stop laughing. Ill as he was at the time, he even considered making a project out of it, inviting the author to his house and have him record a spoken word document 'with the fancy English accent and all', perhaps with musical embellishments to be added later. Regrettably this never came to be, it would have been hilarious.
Does Humor Belong in Music? You bet.
The author apparently was dead serious, but Zappa himself couldn't stop laughing. Ill as he was at the time, he even considered making a project out of it, inviting the author to his house and have him record a spoken word document 'with the fancy English accent and all', perhaps with musical embellishments to be added later. Regrettably this never came to be, it would have been hilarious.
Does Humor Belong in Music? You bet.