Your thoughts on active loudspeakers

I have been looking at several active loudspeakers, Heavenly soundworks,  Buchardt, and, and KEF LS50 wireless II. Any thoughts on these or are there others you think are better? Thanks!!!
Fiesta 75
It makes so much sense to take all that wire and inductors out of the signal flow to the speakers.  With so much focus on speaker cables, I wonder how many people realize how much wire is part of a large air core inductor used for LF crossovers?  Then all that after the amplifier at speaker level? That will seem so ancient in 20 years time.  And yes, no reason you cannot use your own amps if you can get the crossover right and the power right..    
Your thoughts on active loudspeakers

For me with big ESL’s and large bass units  20hz -150hz
Active xover for the bass yes for me. But not for the mids/highs, they always sound "etched" and loose their "musical ease", become in your face.

With total active speakers it’s the same for me, either the (analog active xovers that are full of opamps) or the (digital domain xover if used that way) which btw "waists out" your good dac as they come after it, or the cheaper types of amps used in active speakers.

Cheers George
You don't mention price but I would look at Dutch and Dutch 8c  and Genelec the Ones. Ignore comments about cheap class D etc.. for the price there isn't a passive speaker around that will do what these can do. 
"Active xover for the bass yes for me. But not for the mids/highs, they always sound "etched" and loose their "musical ease", become in your face."

HI George
Sure don't agree with this statement at all.  That description would fit only a high distortion system, not an active one!  There is nothing in active (as a process) that would cause what you are saying to happen.  Active REMOVES distortion generating devices in the signal path.  Every A/B I've ever done proves again and again that same exact speaker, same exact amplifiers, active means imaging is better, fine details more clear, resolution is higher.     
