Pioneer S-1EX Loudspeaker

As a fan of TAD loudspeakers – but not in the proper tax-bracket – I am curious about Andrew Jones’ design for the Pioneer brand – the Pioneer S-1EX floor stander (which is essentially a baby TAD with the Pioneer logo). Does anyone have any experience with this speaker see here

The S-2EX's use a different concentric driver array than the 3's. In there case, both John and I agreed that the beryllium-driver based concentric driver combo sounded the sweetest just above axis. We therefore positioned them raked slightly forward. We also toed them out so that they fire well to the sides of the listener. In my room, this is a very good way to set them up. The farther way from the side walls the better. It really opens up the whole sound stage.
I just "upgraded" to the Pioneer S-1EX's and I am flabbergasted... They are brand new, fresh out of the cases yesterday and they already sound very very good. I haven't been so pleased with a speaker purchase in a long time.

There's typically been a trade-off when I change speakers. These things are simply impressive as hell and so far seem to be a really great combination of the things I've been striving for. I may even do a review after they break in...or not!

Awesome. Did they give you a trade on your S-2's or did you sell them yourself?
I came very close to buying some S2's. Ended up ordering a Salk supercharged songtower (high WAF, smaller footprint than the S2) and a custom CC (no way I was going to get away with another speaker in front of our fireplace).
Be sure to let us know how you set up your S-1's and how far away from the walls you place them. I'm still trying to get maximum sound from my S-3's.

Optimal space restrictions prevent me from bringing the speakers out into the room as far as I would like. I have ample room on each side (a little better than four feet to each side wall), but only two feet from the front wall (behind the speakers). In this setup, the speakers present a very wide and realistically tall sound-stage with enough depth to suite my tastes. Surprisingly, these bigger speakers image nearly as well as their smaller siblings (the S-2EX), but they don't fully disappear as well as the S-2's. The overall tone and presentation is more believable with the S-1's.

I have the tweeters firing to the sides of my ears with the axis somewhere behind me. My listening sofa sits against a "half-wall" (just a couple of inches higher than the sofa) on the other side of which there is another room which allows sound waves to move well behind the listening position. I have the speakers raked forward by a good half-bubble.

It's too early to know if this is the optimal setup, but it sounds really good to my ears. I'll have John over to provide some "fine-tuning!"

