Accuphase e800 or luxman m900u for sonus faber olympica nova 3

Hi all
Currently I have an aw250R electrocompainet equipment and I pre-loaded 4.8 mk2 with some sonus faber olympica nova 3 and I am thinking of improving my amplification.
I like the accuphase E800 and the luxman 900 preamp and stage.
They offer me the C900 exdemo at a good price, about 8000 Eur and giving my previous would stay at € 6750, they offer me very little for my previous when it is not a year old, it is practically new and costs 3 times more, you think it is worth it the change.
The idea was to take the previous luxman and leave the electrocompainet stage for a while until we could go through the luxman stage.
I would also value other brands that you would recommend if with this I make a leap in quality, I have also looked at pass, I do not know the model, but it may not go wrong with my boxes.
I appreciate your opinion, I have to make a decision soon.

Thanks a lot
Greetings to all
+1, @twoleftears

When you evaluate people’s opinion here, keep in mind Luxman is a popular choice in the USA due to lower price point compared to Accuphase. So, many here either can’t afford Accuphase or see a better value in buying Luxman new or used.

I personally prefer Accuphase slightly warm sumptuous sound over Luxman. Luxman is more neutral and that may not be a good pairing for your SF’s. Just my .02 cents.
and…few in USA have heard Electrocompainet, which is hyper neutral and excellent gear. In Euro you might look to Brinkmann to pair with IF you seek a whisker more warmth.
A comment about Accuphase pricing, and surprised no one has brought this review up before. Soundstage posted a review a few weeks ago on the Accuphase C-2850 preamp. I know folks have talked about the crazy US pricing before but this really brings it into focus. SoundStage is in Canada, to quote the review:

"The C-2850, which replaced the C-2820, sells for $24,999 in Canada, but I must also mention the US-dollar price because that’s what we typically quote in our reviews: $34,500. In the US, Accuphase has a different distributor, and if you know about Canada–United States currency values, that’s a huge price discrepancy. According to the exchange rate around mid-June 2021, $34,500 USD converted to $41,932 CDN, while $24,999 CDN converted to just $20,568 USD! To me, that’s too big a price discrepancy for two countries situated next to each other and where people travel pretty freely back and forth (at least pre-COVID). But for the moment, I’m going to set the price issue aside—though I can’t help wondering if having too high a price has been a problem getting the brand established in North America."

That is just crazy so if you live in the US and want Accuphase your best bet, buy it in Canada!

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Accuphase or Luxman is a good choice but you already have good equipment i would look more towards a speaker upgrade which will matter a lot more than the amp upgrade in your case.