Before I order the Magnepan 1.7s...

Hi. My wife and I finally agreed to put a proper stereo in the big room (700 sqft or thereabouts) and I bought a massive Krell amp in preparation for the eventual Magnepan purchase because we decided that the aesthetics of those speakers (with white socks) were tolerable. 

Before I pull that trigger, though, are there any "beautiful" speakers, respected by the audiophile community, that I should consider? I've looked over SFs and Focals, and they're indeed beautiful, but not so beautiful as to sway us. 

(as an aside, really, would it kill some of these manufacturers to offer a few more finishes-- with high-resolution photos taken from modern homes? They are literally throwing money out the window with these Geocities-quality websites. I'm surely not the only suburbanite looking for an audiophile-approved speaker with nice aesthetics)

Thank you.
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For amazing sound, classic design, and beautiful finishes, consider the graham audio ls5/5.  Price about $20k.  Need a little room to breathe like most speakers, but they look great in my modern design living room.

Speakers that look like Herman Miller designed mid century modern furniture. World class sound. Start by checking out the Treos.
I have owned Maggis from not much difference, just Xover point ,and owned 3.6 also much more cohesive. They are made so dam cheap though  you would think in 20 years they would give you at least a decent loudspeaker terminal , that cheap Nickel post. They destroy 
the signal before even getting there , then the beauty fuses another 
disgrace more grunge , the frame flexes like a sail. Mye stands at the minimum . Then the Xover the lowest quality garbage 
I had to put over $1500 into it just to fix the apparent flaws .
that’s why they sold magnastands  not even sure is Peter Gunn
is doing these rebuilds any more but he did a great job transformers these …. Speakers into a true Audiophile speakers.