Why the cost increase?

I went to buy materials for a speaker project. I also priced some T-111 siding on 8" centers, 5/8 thick, Ship lap.
I hadn’t picked up any sheets or anything in over 18 months.

48" x 96 x 5/8 wood siding was 19-26.00 and on sale 15-20.00 per sheet, NOW 74-84.00 per sheet.

MDF 3/4" 48 x 96" if you can find it. 45-55.00 per sheet it was 22.00 to 27.00 per sheet.

2x4x8 DF stud grade 1.99-3.00 per. Now 4-6.00 per stud,

There is no shortage but there sure is a LOT of price gouging. NOTHING changed. Just the price..

The quality is worse. The workers aren’t paid worth a crap...Why the increase?

I’m getting ready to finish my home out. WOW.. I might have to rethink this a bit..

The price all most tripled in 12-18 months.. This kind of stuff is NOT cool at ALL.

Just my opinion of course. Any projects you’re doing get put on hold or STOPED?

YES I’m very frugal. Money never came easy, and it leaves the same way..

@winnardt... some people have figured out a way to make some money and you haven’t been able to either take advantage of it or beat them at their own game.
This is something I learned back when people were criticizing oil companies for high gas prices. Instead of complaining, I bought stock in oil companies. Same thing in March 2020. From experience I knew what was going to happen, so when the market crashed I loaded up on stocks - mainly Dividend Aristocrats for safety, but also a few speculative plays like Six Flags, Carnival Cruise, Delta Airlines, Dave & Busters, etc. Even the vast majority of my Dividend Aristocrats are up over 100%, while producing unheard of dividend yields, and some of the speculative stocks are up almost 200+%.

You can't change the world or human nature, but sometimes you can take advantage of it. Complaining might feel good, but in our world, unless you have power or critical mass, complaining about major issues is a rather useless endeavor. Instead of complaining about the companies or markets, become an owner of them.
Why are you using someone's age as a weapon of insult?
Do you believe because someone is older that is somehow a weakness or something to be ridiculed?

I was at Lowes in Bethlehem, Pa. yesterday. They had plenty of 2 X 4 X 8 studs available in the $5.00 range. I remember a builder I hired in 1996 complaining about studs costing .89 each! Can't one of you guys build a Wayback machine! Joe

I'm with you jnovak if not to just make my hip feel better. :-)

Prices have never been this high or climbed this quick.. 

They just jumped on the bandwagon. I won't forget WHO raised the prices the highest the quickest.. Same with fuel I remember who gouges who.

I'm looking at 30 4x8x5/8 T-111.  Tripled the price, sopin' wet, and maybe 10-15 in a store at a time..  Warped, corners tore up, JUNK.. 56-74.00 each for b/c stock. It's so bad I won't even buy it..

I'll go with stucco before paying those kinds of prices for that kind of garbage..

FROM 15-19.00 per sheet of grade a/b (very few plugs) to 50+ no no no
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