Singer Songwriters Rarely Mentioned By Audiophiles

Here are a few excellent singer-songwriters in the Americana/Folk/Country vein you may not know...

Anna Tivel

A superb lyricist.  My favorite CD by her is "Small Believer"

Lindsay Lou and the Flatbellies

She can be jazzy, folkie, old-timey-- delightfully idiosyncratic and quirky. 

My favorite CD by her is "Ionia"

Dori Freeman

Excellent singer and songwriter Largely in a Country vein. Protege of Teddy Thompson.
I prefer her first, self-titled CD--
Courtney Marie Andrews

Another great talent-- excellent both as a singer and songwriter.
Her "Honest Life" CD is my favorite and has a very 70's vibe.
Jess Jocoy

Nashville based. Whereas Dori Freeman displays more old-fashioned Country roots,
J. Jocoy's "Such A Long Way" is more in an Americana vein.
Rita Hosking

Began playing Old-Timey music, then branched out...

I favor her "Come Sunrise" CD

Kris Delmhorst, married to another talented singer-songwriter, Jeffrey Foucault, has been around awhile.

Her "Songs for a Hurricane" is excellent, displaying her stylistic range and fine singing.

Catherine McLellan is somewhat more introspective and quiet, although she certainly doesn't stick to ballads. 

I like "The Raven's Sun" and "Silhouette", both of which feature excellent guitar playing by her then-partner Chris Gauthier.

Kate Wolf. One of the best

Her live album or greatest hits “Gold in California” are both excellent introductions to her work and well recorded
Don’t see Tift Merritt or Kasey Chambers getting mentioned a lot, but should.
With her first release (Bramble Rose) I best described Tift as a premature reincarnation of Emmylou Harris.
Gerry Rafferty would be at the top of my list. City To City/ Night Owl and North And South are IMO 5 star recordings. The SQ(all 3 recordings) is nothing special and the "nasel" like vocals could be offensive to some.