Stacking Components

What are some thoughts on stacking components, is heat or vibration an issue.I am thinking to stack my phono stage and DAC..Thank you,Couglas
@petg60 said,

" Not the best idea but can do if space is a factor.
I would put the heavier unit on top."

Even though my Yamaha CD-S1000 CD/SACD player has pretty solid heft(33 lbs) to begin with, I have it's matching A-S1000 integrated amp and it's 48.5 lbs sitting right on top.  No issues(noise, vibrations, etc.) at all and maybe a few benefits.

willand, you said:
Even though my Yamaha CD-S1000 CD/SACD player has pretty solid heft(33 lbs) to begin with, I have it's matching A-S1000 integrated amp and it's 48.5 lbs sitting right on top. No issues(noise, vibrations, etc.) at all and maybe a few benefits.

Try separating them with proper isolation underneath each, and see if you still feel the same.
take a look at my system here

the Cayin Tube Amp sits on a glass top of a ventilated stand/surround I designed and built to surround McIntosh Tube Preamps like my old mx110z which has 17 small tubes as it is a tuner as well.

Sides float on 1/4" thick rubber bumpers; glass top sits on same; front and back fully open for ventilation and full rear access. Partial top with strong steel angle braces, inside height has to just clear the big chrome tuning wheel.

On for many hours, indoor/outdoor thermo, measured temp beneath the Cayin never reached 100, Donna can stand on it, holding something, supports 150 lbs easily.

On the left are two identical units, less heat involved, but a nice flexible stacked look for smaller stuff.

Then I added the deeper glass shelf on top for the big TT Plinth. Happily the weight is forward, so no further rearward support needed.

I did some research, and wrote McIntosh. The original McIntosh factory preamp enclosures had no top vents. The receiver cases had vents, then they used the same vented case for preamps to simplify things. Mine has more ventilation than theirs did, and you can slide the lower component fully out leaving the heavy beast on top. I slide my separate cabinet around, or forward, pull the preamp to check it’s tubes, ... or, adjust it’s trim controls on top.

Solid mahogany, cherry, solid maple: natural, stained black, grey, maple color; semi-gloss urethane finish. Three heights: short, medium shown, tall. Any exotic hardwood (available in small quantities) can be used.

I have local woodworker cut and finish the 3 pieces, I assemble and buy the tempered black glass.

Was going to sell on here and eBay, friend died, inherited 4,000 lps, sidetracked by re-organizing .... and

I’m still looking for a proper name for it.