Power cord choice?

Hoping to change (or upgrade) my current PC in use with my ARC CD3 Mk2. Currently I'm using a Locus Designs Polestar and setting a limit $600 max. I'd like to find a cord that can get more micro details from the ARC yet, I'd like to retain the smoothness but, try to open the sound stage and get a little more bottom in doing so. I listen to Alt rock (Sir Sly, The Killers, Gargage), rock, blues using Classe CAP 151 integrated and Apogee Slant 6s. I know this is subjective but, I'm also doing my best to work with my budget constraints and I'm not going to change if the improvement would just be slightly incremental. I'd like suggestions to consider, please.
Well it looks like everyone missed the most important fact . Those are some REALLY NICE FISH ! My system is low powered tubes , Richard Gray conditioner, Morrow cords . After that was well listened to, I switched my 15 amp outlets to 20 amp medical grade and switched my cord on the Gray to a 20 amp Shunyata Venom HC . That made a noticeable difference . And I bet a really nice bamboo rod would make your system sound considerably better ! I’m so envious! Regards , Mike B .

Have you ever considered, or are able, to have an electrician install a 20A dedicated line(10 or 12 guage wire) from your breaker box directly to your 20A receptacle?

Makes a big difference in decreasing noise with more and cleaner current.

P.S. I had a Gray 1200 Custom since 2009. Great unit. Though I just upgraded to a
PI Audio UberBuss. No MOV’s or surge suppression. Moved that to the breaker box....
Just curious, I don’t see and recommendations for the Wireworld Electra or Silver Electra PC. Both are within the OP’s budget. 
Dynamic Design. Lotus AE15. Trasparent, 3-D (layered and wide) big, quiet, easy detail, neutral, etc. etc.  There's one for sale on USAudioMart that would fit your budget. The different will be notable. I'm using the bigger brother Titania and have heard the Lotus. Less tonal density, but that's just being picaune and not true compared to other pc's in the same range. I wouldn't fault that at all - not really noticeable without a/b comparison tp the Tiatnia - you don't miss your water 'til it's gone kind of thing.