Cable Goop Review George is going to freak!!

I have some on the way. I have, what I feel , is a pretty well balanced main system. ( This is where I will be using it first)  My system is not what I would call "high dollar".  It's modest,but I enjoy it very much. I have been upgrading cables a bit, and I do notice a difference with cables. I also have literally, a few thousand hours on this rig.  My ears are very well tuned to it. I will be posting my results after I give it some saddle time.  I have never used any kind of enhancers before.  I think this will be very interesting.  
I have used NPS 1260, and its great. I tried it just on my speaker cable speaker end first. If i did not like it i wanted to be able to remove it. Less than 2 days later i was doing the other end of my speaker cables. My speaker cables are Transparent Reference. I have applied it to all my power cords and XLR interconnects,  speaker jumper wires. It just got better  sound across the board.
Try a solid thin coat first you can always go back and add more. The thicker the coat the longer the break in was for me. I did go back and make it a little thicker coat with time.
Stir it well before applying, wipe off all  your connection first before applying.
Good luck
To those of you that use this product;
I read the review and noticed he mentioned the soundstage came closer after initial application. In the long run, is that true? I’m totally a ‘you are there’ guy, so having the performer(s) get closer and stay closer would be a deal breaker for me.
Oh yeah, another question:  Does the 1260 require burn in or does it cure over time without playing your system?

If it is a liquid substance, then wouldn't it evaporate after awhile?  And what is left would be the residue - like powder?  Or maybe a over-coat much like applying shellac on wood?  But then the residue, or whatever that is, after a long period would act to impede the flow of electrons?

I am trying to understand the mechanism of how it affects the sound.