What Integrated Amp do You use

        What integrated amp do you use, i picked up a Parasound Hint6 and totally fell in love. This thing is such a perfect all around performer, i was curious as to what other Integrated Amp people where using and why
gsm - I got the Audio Refinement Complete for a friend who was looking for a good int amp as a present for his father in law.  I got to audition it for about a week before I gave it to him, and man was I impressed!  
Ran super cool and areal pleasure to use, and a nice beefy 50 wpc to boot.  His FIL was stepping up from a Rotel with Spica TC50’s.
I'll include what speakers I'm using with my Luxman L-509x

Audio Note AN-K/SPx SE, and an Epik Valor Sub(15" Sealed)

The L-509x is biased to deliver 6watts in Pure Class A - so practically all of my listening sessions are Class A levels.
I use Vandersteen Treo CT's with my Aesthetix Mimas, a great match. Previously used Harbeth SHL5+ which was also a good match.

I use Vandersteen Treo CT's with my Aesthetix Mimas, a great match. Previously used Harbeth SHL5+ which was also a good match.

curious to hear you describe how you feel the treos differ from the shl5's in your case ... pls also tell us about your room and musical tastes... thx