So damn hard deciding which tube preamp to buy!

So you have $10 to $25k. What do u do??? So many names.  Cant test them cause no one nearby stocks them, and not broken in.  

What does one do??
Come on! First decide on what type of tube sound you like  6SN7, 6922/6DJ8, DHT, etc.  then look at the construction tube regulation, tube rectification, choke loaded, transformer coupled, etc.  If you don't know this then you will be at it for a long time.  What is in the power supply, transformers, brand of caps & resistors, etc.  Point-to-point wired?  Is the PS supply separate? 

Happy Listening.  
In my experience, tube preamps definitely sound better than solid state preamps and the circuits based on 6SN7 sound better than those based on 12 pin miniatures.  I won’t mention any brand names because I’ve discovered that, when I do, my comments aren’t posted/ published.  I have been blown away recently by a particular preamplifier circuit using the 6SN7.
Ear Yoshino 912 (12k) Ear Yoshino  868 pl  (6,5k) , VAC signature MK2 se ( 19k) , Audio research ref.5se I (13k), DarTZeel NHB-18NS ( 23k): with one of them : you are in the clouds !