Benchmark Dac 1 vs Bel Canto Dac 2 ?????????????

My search for a new Dac continues.I would like to hear the comments of members that are familiar with these dacs.Have you A/B ed the two?What did you like/dislike about either? If you own either dac,what else have you listened to, or what other dacs have you owned ? Thanks,Gixerman
I can second a positive vote for the DAC 2 as I own it; I can't vouch for Nealhood's opinions on the Benchmark, although in all the threads I have read at Headfi that discuss it people that enjoy it either like what seems to me to be somewhat lifeless and cold (but very "detailed") music or balance it out with a tube stage somewhere.
I also had both DACs in my system. I think they are both excellent DACs equaling those sold for 10 times more just few years back.

The Benchmark sure had more features than you can shake a stick at sub $1k unit price. I used its preamp capability exclusively and enjoyed its clear sound. The Bel Canto DAC2 is more of a brick with almost no control or flexibility but I ended up using it in my system as the main source for CDs. It would be difficult to match the DAC2's sonic virtues when playing the Red Book CDs. I get the widest sound stage and yet very focused imaging at the same time. To my ears, the Benchmark had just as wide sound stage but tad shy on firm imaging which puzzled me for the longest time. With its accurate reproduction of CD source, I just couldn't figure out how it could sound different... Thus, I sold the Benchmark and the Bel Canto is still playing in my setup. Believe me, I'd like to buy a Benchmark DAC1 again someday. It still amazes me that it had not been inflicted with the usual highend audio depreciation-selling close to its new price where as the BC DAC2 is going for close 1/2 of its new price...
Gixerman, I have auditioned both and decided on the Bel Canto 2. I readily agree with the opinion that they both add to a system only that the Bel Canto added more in musicality, sound stage and air between instruments. My system is Rotel RCD-1072 which Bel Canto said is more than an adequate transport, CJ PV-L II, Classe CA-150's as monoblocks and Aerial 8's, interconnects are Cardas and Speaker cables are Synergistic. This system sounds great and can be improved with the advent of the new Bel Canto DAC which is due anytime and other components as the wife permits. Steve
The latest Benchmark version is significantly better. I think you should audition it again.
You can order the Benchmark from Audio Advisor and take it for a 30 day test drive (they may even sell the bel canto). That way you can hear it in your system, which is the only way to know.