Quantum Science Audio light blue fuse; $71, what a bargain!

I wanted to start a new thread about the more affordable versions of these fuses. I don’t doubt that the higher end versions are amazing, but most of us aren’t very likely to be able to hear them for ourselves. Fortunately, pretty much anyone who is serious about building a musically enjoyable and engaging system can get a good taste of what they’re all about.

I’ve had the light blue QSA fuses ($71) in my CD transport and DAC for over two weeks, now. They replaced SR blue fuses, at around twice the price, and easily bettered them. I am expecting one more light blue tomorrow, to replace an SR orange in my amp. I’ll give an update on that, once I get it installed and listen.

Meanwhile, here are a couple quotes from my posts on the other thread:

“What I am hearing is; voices & instruments are more solid and lifelike, with increased natural detail and sense of space, better dynamics, and a more relaxed overall sound.”

“Just got in a second light blue fuse for my DAC. So far, more of the same improvements I got in my CD transport. Very nice!😃 One thing I appreciate is the break in seems to be pretty quick, without any of the nasties you get with some other stuff. Pop it in, and you’ll hear improvements in short order, at least that’s been my experience.”

I am continuing to greatly enjoy what these fuses bring to my system, and am really looking forward to getting the last one in my amp.

I had a dream last night that all of the A'gon naysayers came over for a listening session. It was quite a crowd. Instead of listening to music, they all sat around discussing equations and slew rates. I  had to leave the room for a moment and when I came back they were all gone ... and they stole all of my records. My very first thought was ... what in the hell are they going to do with the records??

I’ve had the purple fuse in my dac for almost 48 hrs now and the improvement over the yellow is quite noticeable and welcomed. With each step from the blue to yellow and now the purple (light violet) the amount of musicality keeps increasing and I sit for quite a while being sucked in and engaged to the beautiful presentation these fuses seem to allow to take place.
Songs that I’m familiar with are taking on a new personality so to speak. I don’t know if it’s more information that’s being allowed to come through or just the lack of noise and grunge that is somehow getting purged by whatever treatment QSA is putting on these fuses. Whatever it is it’s producing the most enjoyable sound I can ever remember hearing and I’m already wanting to see how can I get a Red fuse.                                                          
One particular song starts out with an acoustic guitar getting plucked and after installing each color the sound not only gets more detailed and vivid but after the purple I could almost see the instrument and it’s size. These fuses are very different from the SR’s and AM’s I’ve had before. They impart such a natural and enticing sound that it really does feel like a huge amp or speaker upgrade. After hearing the yellow it’s hard to go back to the blue and now after hearing the purple it’s hard to switch back to the yellow. If all I ever heard was yellow across my components I’d be very happy but the purple is making me wonder what’s possible with the red fuse and more of the stones that tommylion has accumulated. Mike at Tweek Geek told me he thinks the jump from purple to red is more stunning than from yellow to purple, I’d like to find that out for myself...
This thread reminds us of just how little we know about audio gear and their potential! It also reminds us of how much more there is to learn. I can just image how great systems will sound in another 10-20 years.  
These fuses offer important SQ improvements helping us get so much more out of our systems.  SR has some work to do to match or surpass these new QSA fuses. I bet they manage to improve their product line as they fight to stay competitive.  I am sure they are still selling many fuses, but over time QSA will expand in audiophile awareness and sales. 
The SQ effect of the light blue fuses in my mono blocks is stunning!
It is different and unique from other upgrades. The overall presentation of the performance has jumped up to just be more palpable. That is, you can reach out and touch it.
But I will limit my fuse upgrade to the $211 each yellow.
#1-the light blue are already spectacular. #2-it should be “mellow yellow”.
Mike says that he expects more stones and fuses next week.
I am waiting on yellow fuses and red stones.
Since the fuses are so excellent, there must also be something to the stones. It has been said that the stones bring the Bybee V2s to the next level. Anyone have experience with the V2s and stones?