Integrated Amps - another thread...

Ok, I am going to start looking for an integrated amp that meets my needs.  Let me tell you a little about me and my system...

I was an early R&D person (not technical; rather, sound) at Cary Audio, in the very beginning.  I have been in the audio world for 35 years.  My current system consists of: MacBook Pro > Schiit Modi 3 > Rega Brio > to modified ADS &L780/2 Speakers.  All my PC, IC, and SC are hand made using the Helix Image model.  I also have a number of mechanical isolation things going on around the entire system.  Fairly good size room; however, I don't play really loud.

BTW, I'm one of the only people that has always believed in the sound of ADS speakers and still do...

My ultimate goal is to relplace the MacBook (the last change), Schiit Modi 3, and the Rega Brio.  The ADS aren't going anywhere.  They fit me!

I thought about separates; but, I think I want to stick with an Integrated Amp.  I don't really want an Integrated with a DAC (if it has one, then so be it).  I would to keep it around 3K, if possible.  No really wanting to get back into tubes nd I'm comfortable trying Class D.

I listen 100% to Tidal and Quboz, via Roon, on my MacBook, to mostly late 50's early 60's Jazz.  I do listen to newer Jazz when I hear a good album.

So, throw out some suggestions, please...

rafevw, thanks for the response...  I am changing the DAC as well.  I do not want an integrated with an onboard DAC, because, if anything that might change for the better, it’s going to be DAC’s.

I know I can bypass the DAC on an onboard integrated; however, it just seams right to not have it.  Perhaps I’m wrong.
we displayed the ADS 2030 biamped w Hafler amps…. I understand where your head and heart are at. The marantz is good..certainly worth a listen.

i agree ith your demo / buy ethics.

for tubes used the Rogue, VTL, Quickie , CJ, ARC used are all good. IF you are not listening very loud the EL-34 VTL is a sweetheart of an amp. w ADS engineering a fairly benign crossover load and efficiency, you might also get away w light loading the output transformers…much tube sonics depend on the quality of the outputransformer…

for SS, Ayre, Electrocompaniet , nAIM ( Atom or Star ) would fix your streamer issue also. The 40 wpc Atom is a real mule kicker…I am biased

have fun

I still recall an early setup I had with Ads 810 speakers, I think I had a nice Sansui receiver that drove them. They sounded very nice, very easy to listen to, even when CD players came out and the sound could be very sharp and metallic sounding. But that was many years ago and I think that speaker technology has come a long way.

I am thinking through my own system upgrade, and I am leaning towards a Hegel amplifier with a DAC built in...   it would be conveneient to use but I can always plug in a more expensive self standing DAC later if I want to further upgrade the sound.  I have read so many strong recommendations about the Hegels from so many sources of information and reviews.  There has got to be something to it.
Tomic, I get what you mean by EL34’s.  When everyone was moving onto other output tubes, I stayed with the EL34’s...

My days at Cary Audio, I would have my amps created with EL34’s when everyone was using 805’s and other tubes at the time.
I’ve been considering an integrated too, and recently auditioned the Simaudio 600-V2 which was lovely ($9k, cough). I shortlisted several others including the Pass Labs Int-60, one of the Esoterics, and the Aesthetix Mimas (tube preamp stage, takes a DAC card).

"My" dealer where I listened to the Simaudio raved about the new Rega Aethos integrated, and says it’s a great buy at around $4500. FWIW--I have not heard it yet.