So correct
I believe that some of the improvements that others claim to hear could just as well be a matter of making a new clean connection.
To those "non technical" members that are interested, do not listen to fusers, listen to the techs of this industry that design the audio products you have.AND YOU WON"T SEE THEM ON THREADS LIKE THIS AGREEING WITH THESE FUSERS, EVER!!!
Just clean and tighten your fuse holder and re-new your fuse (if old) with a good quality 50cent Bussman, Littlefuse or similar.
As with "many switch-on surges" they do deteriorate, bend, stretch and get crusty with electrolysis formations on their fusible wire elements before they give out, as these pics show of a fuse wire element ageing over time show.
(even the $$$ boutique ones will age just as much also)