From Motown to the British invasion from booze to boo, from don't question authority to questioning authority, from crew cut to long hair from bras to boobs, tight pants to bell bottoms. Are you kidding me there was never a better time for music or for growing up period amen!
It's 1966 I'm 18 living in Jersey I go visit my bohemian cousin living in Greenwich Village dead set on taking my first legal drink I fly up her 4 story walk-up on Cornelia St. Susan I excitedly say let's go drinking she smiles and hands me my first joint ( Flemington flash grown on her friend's farm in Ringos NJ) and says try this instead. Wooo I put smokey, the temps, and the tops back in the wooden fruit crate and went and bought the Stones, Beatles play on my Dual TT with a cheap shure cartridge, and AR speakers. Timothy Leary's dead no, no, no, no he's outside looking in...
It's 1966 I'm 18 living in Jersey I go visit my bohemian cousin living in Greenwich Village dead set on taking my first legal drink I fly up her 4 story walk-up on Cornelia St. Susan I excitedly say let's go drinking she smiles and hands me my first joint ( Flemington flash grown on her friend's farm in Ringos NJ) and says try this instead. Wooo I put smokey, the temps, and the tops back in the wooden fruit crate and went and bought the Stones, Beatles play on my Dual TT with a cheap shure cartridge, and AR speakers. Timothy Leary's dead no, no, no, no he's outside looking in...