Possible Cartridge Suspension Collapse?

I dunno, it seems like my Hana SH is riding lower and lower as time goes on.

I got it new in 2018 and haven't spun all that many LPs on it - maybe have 350 hours?

Yesterday, I was spinning some LPs after not using it for about 2 months and at the start of every LP, there was a whoosing sound from the speakers - turns out the bottom of the cartridge was making contact with the very outside raised edge of LPs. Then as the record plays it would stop, but the cartridge body is darn near touching the LP surface - I mean practically an "RCH" distance.

On my Technics SL1200mk2, I run my VTF right at 2.0g (double verified with a Shure gauge and an electronic one).

Was thinking of moving up to the Hana ML, but now skittish of Hana's - may have to start thinking of getting a replacement regardless as my SH is just too low.
I would like to hear what Hana or the dealer does. Historically, because it is so easy to damage a cartridge, unless the cartridge is brand new they will laugh at you.

The stylus is not damaged, but suspension collapsed too early. They can accept this defective cartridge towards upgrade to the next model, in this case buyer will pay less than retail price. Every dealer should do that as they can earn money again. And the buyer will get new cartridge (next model). 

P.S. I did it with much more expensive ZYX cartridge via US distributor. 
As I mentioned up-stream

The dealer’s offer (Music Direct) was 20% trade-in value from my original purchase price towards an upgrade.

I’m hoping Musical Surroundings, the Hana US Distributor, will take pity on me and either repair/replace the cartridge, or give me full (or better than 20%) trade-in for another cartridge.
I contacted Music Direct, who I bought the cartridge from.

They gave me 3 options:
1. Trade in value of 20% of original purchase price
2. 3rd party re-tip/repair
3. Contact the US distributor, Musical Surroundings for possible repair/replacement.
Frankly, I'm surprised by this response from Music Direct and I'd be disappointed if I were the customer.  This is a warranty claim and you did business with MD - it's the dealer's job to help you file the claim. (The dealer can help verify the date of purchase and ensure the product is genuine US product.)

Option #1 is almost an insult and the other two options are just polite ways of telling you to take a hike. Hopefully Musical Surroundings will do the right thing. Please keep us posted.
I have a van den Hul Grasshopper IV that did that.  The naked coils and cantilever went all floppy.  I found I could judiciously push the assembly back into its housing and all was well for a few plays.  Then it went floppy again.  I sent it back to vdH and the man said I was tracking it too heavy.  Nonsense.  I was right on his recommendation.
Anyway, he had fixed it.  But after a month or two it went floppy again.  I've sidelined it now.  I push the assembly in again and set it up every now and again.  Its sound is excellent but it soon goes floppy again.

I have three other high-end vdHs and no trouble.
@clearthinker- that's too bad- those cartridges are well regarded; haven't heard one in years. You know, there is another participant here at Audiogon with a similar "handle" but he typically speaks in triplets-that is, anything said, spoken or written is usually put forth, portrayed or documented by statements, comments or other input that is tripled, three'd or done in trio. You are not he/him/they.

Thanks upthread for the roadrunner jokes. We are going on a local jaunt soon, and I hope to see some. (Finally).