Quicksilver Preamps?

I'm STRONGLY debating buying either the remote or std. version. How good are these preamps? Are they competetive and truly high end? I've seen pictures with the covers off and they're extremely minimalist / simple, almost too much so?  (I'm thinking power supply)
Search the discussions. Plenty of mention.
Are they competitive?-Yes; Truly high end?-No, just a great value.
" they're extremely minimalist"-not to be judged by this, you`ll need to listen to one, in your system.
They drive the tubes so they last about a year before microphonics and what not starts.

id like to add to the OP’s inquiry from Previous  owners and what they moved up to.
I started with Audible Illusions 2B ——> original Quicksilver Full Function preamp (better bass and dynamics) ——> Jadis JPL (bigger sound stage and more colorful) ——> Audible Illusions 3A (truer timber—I am apparently sensitive to this—not quite the bass or dynamics of the Quicksilver but really good; more realistic than the Jadis). Downside is too much gain. If I were in the market today, I would look at Supratek, Benchmark, and CODA.