What speaker do you passionately want to demo?

Beyond the slight curiosity of what speaker you'd "like" to demo (example: every Klipsch horn speaker), what speaker(s) would you "passionately" love to demo?  A brief explanation of "why" you like these speakers would be beneficial.

I'll start:

MBL 101 X-treme - almost a decade and reviewers still say it's amongst the best they'd ever heard.  Probably should be matched to the MBL Electronics

Living Voice Vox Olympian Horn - it's wood (maybe sounds more warm/organic), it's a horn, and it consistently gets good reviews at the Munich High End audio shows.

Muraudio SP1 - Electrostatic + cone hybrid speaker that received many rave reviews.  It's not an easy task successfully marrying the fast electrostatic to the slower cone to sound seamless.  This speaker was on my short list to purchase.

Voxativ AC-XP field coil driver - both Voxative and Pure Audio Project speaker offer the Voxativ AC-XP field coil driver as an optional upgrade, but it's an additional ~$7k (yow).  The reviews leads me to believe that this field core driver is sonically "significantly" superior above other choices.  

Mike Lavigne's Evolution Acoustics MM7 in his dedicated sound room.  The sonics of demoing speakers at storefronts or audio shows can be problematic depending on the audio chain and the room setup.  MikeL has a matured optimized setup that is sonically recognized as excellent by other serious audiophiles.  
Ipretiring, the last thing you want in a room is a perfectly omni directional loudspeaker. What you will get is omni directional room interaction. They are an interesting design. I know several people who would not give them a second look. 
birdfan, An interesting, potentially great design (AlysVox) with one major failing and a potential worry. The major failing is that they are 79 inches tall and will revert to point source radiation at around 200 Hz. They needed to be 8 or nine feet tall depending on ceiling height to maintain Line Source characteristics all the way down. The worry is aluminum foil laminated to kapton or mylar is unfortunately fragile. The advantage over an ESL like a Sound Labs is that ribbons (or planar magnetics) are purely resistive and easy to drive. The ESL however is much more durable. There is no current flow so there is no heat and unlike aluminum it will not deform and crack. Magnepan uses this style of construction for it's tweeters only for a good reason.  
Alsyvox Botticelli’s

heard them briefly in a massive room at 2019 RMAF. They filled that room completely. Magneplanar design but with grunt guts and extended bass. Like Maggies on steroids.

Seems more like an apogee full range on steroids.
I know that those Bayz speakers are supposed to be good, but even if I could afford them, I would never have something in my listening room that looks like it belongs under the sink.
 I can understand how you feel. I at first likened them to the monster in Alien. But to me I find them compelling, and an improvement in appearance over my Tektons. lol