First, thanks to everyone for the positive comments. Hope to met you all in Chicago for Axpona this October.
To lewm and daveyt,
I have listened to the Grand Prix Monaco a few different times on Calcrazyfornia. It truly is a marvelous sounding turntable and one of my considerations for a new TT. Since owning the TechDas 3 Premium I think there is less mechanical artifacts and a greater sense of musical flow then what I heard through the Monaco. Both TTs are very quite and capable of producing very deep and powerful bass. Finally, both are examples of excellent engineering and manufacturing. You cannot go wrong with the Monaco but I think the TechDas 3 Premium is more musical…at least to my ears.
To tablejockey,
I read your post to my wife and she laughed and said, “That will be the day.” She has heard me say, I am done or this will be the last (whatever) to many times. Even at 69 I cannot imagine being done since I plan to purchase a new dac and I would like new speaker cables. Also, I plan to have my D’Agostino Momentum amp updated and maybe in 4 to 5 years a new tonearm the SAT 9 inch. See what I mean?