Quantum Science Audio Thread

This is a thread for those who wish to discuss Quantum Science Audio products of all types.
One of the dominant personality traits of engineers is their fear of criticism. As long as we continue telling Georgie that he's wrong, he will continue coming back in an effort to prove that he's right. 

Georgie ... You're right. These fuses are no better than stock fuses. In spite of what our lying ears have been telling us, there is no benefit to them at all. They are nothing but a ruse. Now go away and play with the Emus and the Roos. 


I guess there is no difference in capacitors or resistors either as long as they measure the same no difference. John curl might have something to say about that.
Hiding behind names because one has no argument is a tell, if there ever was one.
This just in: http://v2.stereotimes.com/post/quantum-science-audio-series-purple-fuses/
It's a follow up to the original review of the Quantum Science Audio fuse review by other members, one who admits he didn't believe in it until he was sent the fuses to hear them for himself.

All the best,

Thank You for posting the follow up link. I enjoy reading Clement Perry 's writings. 

Happy Listening!