Stone fireplace wall effects on acoustics?

The living room (where my system is going) in my new house has a stone fireplace wall that is about 10 feet wide from floor to ceiling.  The rocks are uneven type river rock in a random pattern.  I prefer the layout of the room where this wall is to the right of the speakers (about 4.5 feet from the right speaker) so the speakers would be able to fire into the dining/kitchen/4 season room.  

I am almost 100% opposed to mounting a huge tv above a fireplace due to viewing angle and having to conduit cables instead of running them in the wall.

I have complete freedom over decorating so even installing full wall acoustic treatment is not out of the question.  There are actually some slat wall treatments that would probably end up looking pretty slick.

Is this type of stone wall going to trash my acoustics and if so what would you do to correct it?
Don't forget your ceiling when treating the room.
Something like studio clouds?  Like others have said I really won't know until I actually listen to the room.  First task will be continuing the hardwoods and getting rid of the carpeting in the great room - can't even comprehend why someone would install carpeting when the other connecting rooms are hardwoods...
Guarantee you won't like my solution. I had stone fireplace, in my case not flush to side walls, stuck out perhaps two feet from side wall so two pocket one on either side of fireplace. I tried long wall setup with speakers firing into fireplace, no go. Went to short wall, fireplace left of speakers, better, asymmetry proved too much, never could get balanced center image. I tried so many room treatment products, finally gave up, tore out fireplace. The things we do for audio!
I should add, my room, about 35' long, opens into kitchen, 13' wide. Relatively narrow room was my problem, a much wider room would likely mitigate many problems.
First task will be continuing the hardwoods and getting rid of the carpeting in the great room - can’t even comprehend why someone would install carpeting when the other connecting rooms are hardwoods...
Perhaps because that person is an audiophile and had his system in the room? :-)

Actually I’m only half joking...
Set up your system, play with speaker placement and then decide where you need bass traps and diffusors.  
Go with GIK Acoustics.  You can make your room look really nice if you take your time and figure out what kind of look you are going after.  
finally gave up, tore out fireplace. The things we do for audio!

Amateur! A real audiophile would tear the whole house down!

After all, everyone knows our job is to transform every livable space into an unlivable listening room- preferably to then do nothing but complain about all the imperfections and how we woulda done it better if only we’d known.....