Terry Evans
Ry Cooder (guitar)
Audioquest Music 1995
Notes: " I grew up in a little town called Vicksburg, Mississippi, which was close to the Delta, Greenville, where B.B., Robert Johnson and all the famous cats came up. I was raised up in the church. My family thought it was a good idea for me to go to church. I was in the junior/senior choir. I used to sing tenor, baritone, bass. We weren't allowed to sing what they called the rough stuff, you know, the rock and roll stuff. We weren't allowed to sing that in those days. All we could sing was gospel songs, so we had to slip away to sing some of the secular type songs."
Too Many Ups and Downs
Money in Your Pocket
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npvmPNaMhUADown in Mississippi
Walking in the Same Tracks
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iit8j0wPNjgRooftop Tomcat
Not too many Blues albums with inserts in German, French and Spanish.