Calling all Sota fans.

Mark Dohmann made a comment that if he was to buy a turntable for $20000 he said it would be a Sota, so is this table a great buy and is he right on his comment? There are so many tables out there, direct drive, belt drive ect, that sound great to many so why is the Sota in the same ball park as Techdas, Technics, Kuzma, TW Acustic and others, is it really as good as the other big guns with the right arm?
I use a SOTA Cosmos Eclipse and have a SME V on it, it's a very capable table. 
Yes, SOTA’s are just that good. I may have my Sapphire for many years to come, albeit perhaps updated by SOTA to current specs. Someday.
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I have a Sota Sapphire from 1984 that I regularly updated until about the turn of the century. I had a certain amount of troubles with it in the early days, but after a couple shaming letters to Sota in Berkeley (this was before email), they sent me a box to ship it back to Berkeley (or was it Oakland?). They completely rebuilt and updated the now groaning-at-every-revolution platter. They did not assign blame for the problem (which I repeatedly denied and am still certain I was not responsible for).  Later(?), they sent me a new drive belt to replace the one that was lending a bit of seasick-inducing wow. No problems since, and I have no zeal to replace it. Of course it didn't hurt when I replaced the Sumiko(?) arm with an Alphason.