Calling all Sota fans.

Mark Dohmann made a comment that if he was to buy a turntable for $20000 he said it would be a Sota, so is this table a great buy and is he right on his comment? There are so many tables out there, direct drive, belt drive ect, that sound great to many so why is the Sota in the same ball park as Techdas, Technics, Kuzma, TW Acustic and others, is it really as good as the other big guns with the right arm?
Personally if you are in the US I think they are a great buy, and very good, much better than any of the VPI's.
I had the Vacuum Sota/ET2 combo in the late 80's - and I'd buy another today. Its only really been beaten by my Final Audio VTT1 which was 50% more expensive than the top of the line Micro Seiki SX8000 back in the 70's early 80's - and slaughters them.
The Sota's do have some limits on arms that can be fitted due to the recessed armboard, but in terms of sound quality as good as any of the ones you mentioned apart from the Techdas, which is obviously a lot more expensive.
Support is excellent in the US, and they offer full refurbishment and updates on all products made.
The money spot for me is the non-vacuum Cosmos. I'm a bit wary of vacuum holddown damaging records and prefer a clamp system.
I've met Mark Dohmann - he's had a lot of TT's including Garrard 301's etc that he has fettled, so he's pretty knowledgeable.

I use a SOTA Cosmos Eclipse and have a SME V on it, it's a very capable table. 
Yes, SOTA’s are just that good. I may have my Sapphire for many years to come, albeit perhaps updated by SOTA to current specs. Someday.
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