@billzameI"m not suggesting anyone build their entire collection at Better Records. I only said "buy one"!
It's just than anyone buying MoFi's and AP's has never heard what a record can do and is therefore in need of an education on analog. Once you've heard what a record can do then at least you understand the possibilities. Then perhaps you start to develop the necessary skills to find great sounding records (cleaning methods, research and developing our ear) on your own. Often this is just cleaning the records we own better and listening with our full attention. But if we're buying Analogue Productions records we'll NEVER really get why serious analog enthusiasts get so darn enthusiastic about it!
The debate about whether vinyl sounds better than digital really ought to be a debate about whether vinyl CAN sound better than digital. If you get the right records, and then you build your system in the right way, that is, the way that makes your best sounding records sound even better, then you will very soon be all in with analog and never look back.
Oh and yes, get a better cartridge and phono preamp, absolutely, but don't expect to get the cartridge right on the very first try and demo as many phono preamps as you can until you decide. DON'T TRUST THE REVIEWS!