Calling all Sota fans.

Mark Dohmann made a comment that if he was to buy a turntable for $20000 he said it would be a Sota, so is this table a great buy and is he right on his comment? There are so many tables out there, direct drive, belt drive ect, that sound great to many so why is the Sota in the same ball park as Techdas, Technics, Kuzma, TW Acustic and others, is it really as good as the other big guns with the right arm?
I have stated on many occasions that the Dohmann Helix is my ultimate turntable.
Yes, but have you actually seen or heard one yet? Because without that, your enthusiasm and endorsement don't mean much.
My completed Cosmos Vacuum with a Schroder CB arm cost me just shy of $14,000 including a dust cover and reflex clamp.
Great news! I thought you were still waiting for delivery.
@lewm , I have no idea why. It is a 3 phase AC synchronous motor. Synchronous motors are best for turntables because they will automatically adjust torque to maintain the speed dictated by the AC signal they are given. It happens instantaneously. I suspect they are just miss-informed. 

Sota has been producing tables, but at a slower pace. They can't find help like the rest of us. People would rather stay home on unemployment comp. Of course those are the people you do not want to hire anyway.
My table is currently being built although I can't get an estimate out of Donna as to when it will be delivered. Can't wait, I have something like 20 new records to play!
@cleeds, I have seen a Helix but not heard one. I am very familiar with MinusK platforms. The Helix is a MinusK platform with turntable stuff mounted on top. My enthusiasm and endorsement is based purely on the Dohmann's design characteristics. It has or will have all of the features I care about in a turntable. Others may have different criteria or prefer taking advice from other people. 

Yes, finally. I put my deposit in 8 months ago and I sold my old Sota at about the same time. This is the longest period of time in my entire life from the age of 4 that I have not been able to play a record. Boggles the mind.
On this image we can see two partners. Who is Mr. Gusew ?

“Mark teamed up with a close friend who was highly skilled with electronics and who shared similar tastes in music and sound reproduction. Together they designed and built their first reference turntable called the “CONTINUUM” by Döhmann and Gusew.”

-from Döhmann BIO

* With surname like Gusew he must be Russian?
The first belt stretched out in a year or two. Then I figured to add a little manual spin boost before every play. Second belt +35 years.
Donna will probably be at Axpona.
It looks like they will have a room this year besides Expo Hall.