Devore 0/96 - Integrated AMP help

Hi everyone,

I am in the process of securing Devore 0/96s with A23 cables.  My source will be an Auralic Vega G2.  I have narrowed my list of integrated amps to some tube and SS (Class A) gear.  I am looking for some help from those that have experienced this speaker and amp combinations.  I am moving from a very transparent system and looking for a little more warmth, musicality, and a system that is more emotionally engaging.

Tube amp potentials:
Leben CS300
Leben CS600
Line Magnetic 845
Maybe a simple SET (Unison Research Simply Italy)

SS Class A potentials:
Pass Labs INT-25
Sugden A21se or Masterclass IA-4

Looking to end my constant desire to make system changes once and for all! LOL
I have owned the Devore 0/96's for several years and owned the LM805 and Pass INT XA25 and powered the DeVore's with these amps. Both sound great but in my experience there was some magical moments with the Pass INT 25 that the LM did not have. The Pass took about 200 hrs. to come into it's own. Another option would be the SIT 3. Reno HiFi has home demo's for the Pass equipment.

Don't get me wrong the LM is a great amp but the overall tone of the Pass was special.
A 300B is definitely a good pairing. The Airtight ATM-300 Reference sounds awesome with this speaker. There is also a youtube video of DeVore where he shows his gear and tells about the amps he is using. He has an AirTight as well.

Also, the Nagra 300i sounds lovely with DeVore.

If you need to crank up bass-heavy music often, the Line Magnetics amps with 300B/845tubes are badass matches. 
I heard the O/93 with a Bryston SS amp and that worked great. Just another thing you may want to check out.
Another option is Rogue Audio. The Sphinx integrated amp is really nice for $1500. They have preamps and amps too. I know Decware is really great but you might have to wait for a while. When you have to wait for a product like Raven, Decware, and several others I believe it to be a sign that it must be pretty good. Not always but the reviews help to confirm the product. 
May want to look at the Esoteric F-03A
30/60 wpc, dual mono, over the top build quality...