Devore 0/96 - Integrated AMP help

Hi everyone,

I am in the process of securing Devore 0/96s with A23 cables.  My source will be an Auralic Vega G2.  I have narrowed my list of integrated amps to some tube and SS (Class A) gear.  I am looking for some help from those that have experienced this speaker and amp combinations.  I am moving from a very transparent system and looking for a little more warmth, musicality, and a system that is more emotionally engaging.

Tube amp potentials:
Leben CS300
Leben CS600
Line Magnetic 845
Maybe a simple SET (Unison Research Simply Italy)

SS Class A potentials:
Pass Labs INT-25
Sugden A21se or Masterclass IA-4

Looking to end my constant desire to make system changes once and for all! LOL
I heard the O/93 with a Bryston SS amp and that worked great. Just another thing you may want to check out.
Another option is Rogue Audio. The Sphinx integrated amp is really nice for $1500. They have preamps and amps too. I know Decware is really great but you might have to wait for a while. When you have to wait for a product like Raven, Decware, and several others I believe it to be a sign that it must be pretty good. Not always but the reviews help to confirm the product. 
May want to look at the Esoteric F-03A
30/60 wpc, dual mono, over the top build quality...

I would strongly recommend the Line Magnetic 805iA. I currently have my LM amp paired with a pair of GoldenEar Triton Reference. The LM is excellent in build quality, and superb at music. I upgraded the fuse with Orange from Synergistic Research, feet to GAIA I from IsoAcoustics, power cable to Acoustic Zen Garguntua and input tubes. It sounds absolutely stunning. 

Accuphase E-650 really took me by surprise, I have never liked SS amps before this (except a megabuck integrated - Technical Brain). It has great tonality of a tube, and amazing bass of an SS. It is still breaking in, so will have to wait a few more months before I can say anything with confidence.

I took the risk it because I found a user from this forum who switched from Shindo separates to Accuphase SS for this Devore O96 and claimed that he didn't missed the Shindos at all (BTW Shindo/Devore is a well know synergistic pairing). Then I got an home audition, and then bought it.

My amp is still breaking in, and if it opens up as I suspect it would in the next few months, I think my Nagras might get sold :)

Of course the Accuphase is not as sweet as the Nagra 300p but .... if I decide not to have two amps, I might sell it.