Should I try XLR?

I've never tried XLR cables, just regular ICs with my components. I currently have a Luxman 505UXii integrated with Dynaudio Special 40s. My CDP/streamer is a Marantz ND8006. I'm currently using WyWires ICs with all of my equipment. Would adding XLR cables to the CDP/streamer make a huge difference---if so, should I stick with WyWires XLR or something else? Thanks in advance for your help. 
That's like asking if I should scratch.  
Only if it itches. How could we possibly know?
No, not a huge difference.

Why not build your own though? :) You could try pure silver, balanced cables to compare for cheap.


I find XLR balanced cables drop the noise floor a little in my system, and every little bit helps… right? I use WyWires so I’m going to be prejudice there. I bet if you reach out to Alex, he will either treat you well on a trade or maybe he can swap out the plugs at a reasonable cost.  
They are only a upgrade if the components they are hook too are balanced from input to out put. Just because your components has balance inputs and out puts doe not mean it is balanced.