Calling all Sota fans.

Mark Dohmann made a comment that if he was to buy a turntable for $20000 he said it would be a Sota, so is this table a great buy and is he right on his comment? There are so many tables out there, direct drive, belt drive ect, that sound great to many so why is the Sota in the same ball park as Techdas, Technics, Kuzma, TW Acustic and others, is it really as good as the other big guns with the right arm?
On mijostyn advice I purchased a Cosmos with vacuum and had a Kuzma 4 point sent to Donna et al to fashion a board to fit…it did take a few months back in 2020 but well worth it…I am listening with a Clearaudio Jubilee and ARC 3 phono. I couldn’t be happier it’s solid as a vault and if a train drove through my house it would not affect the SOTA. So IMHO you can’t go wrong with a Cosmos but definitely include the vacuum…warping is a non issue. Donna Et al couldn’t have been more accommodating and can set up most anyway you need. 
Don’t you think that when Doehmann finally develops a vacuum hold down system, he will add $20,000 to the price? I do. You are probably looking at a $90,000 turntable with vacuum. By the way, when my friend decided to sell his helix, I could’ve purchased it for $25 or $30,000, but I declined, because I am quite happy with what I have.
Jay, where do you live? There’s a train coming through any minute now. Pop your fave LP on the old Cosmos and tell us how it all works.
Hi Lewn:
May I ask what turntable replaced the Dohmann in your friend's system?
Lewm the Chattanooga choo choo just rolled through…no problem but of course having a cement floor and cement pedestal doesn’t hurt 😎