To Stream or Not to Stream

Need advice Audiogoners... I'm considering jumping into the streaming "waters". The features of the Aurender ACS 10 are most appealing to me, specifically the CD ripper feature (have a collection in excess 7k CD's). Would coupling the Aurender with the Schitt YGGDRASIL be a good pairing? Recommendations and suggestions would be greatly appreciated... Thanks
The new music to be found is a game changer. Have only been doing it myself for under 2 yrs but we'll worth it.
I'm "all in" with streaming, so much so that I hardly ever listen to any other source.

In my case I have a Roon Nucleus Plus server, it's USB into a PS Audio DirectStream DAC, the two pair with each other very nicely.

I have friends who enjoy the Aurender, it's certainly an excellent unit as well.

One thing I find with digital is the quality of the AC power is important in getting the best sound quality.  I also used to have both a Tidal & Qobuz subscription, but dropped Tidal.
I highly recommend Aurender streamers. I think to combination of the Yggi and the Aurender streamer is a good one. I have two Aurender Streamers 100N and W20SE. 
Personally I recommend not ripping your CDs. I would focus investing in components to maximize the streaming fidelity. I have 2K CDs that are used as acoustic wall diffusers and dust collectors. My CD playback is indistinguishable from streaming. If you get to that point there is no point in spending hundreds of hours ripping disks. Qobuz will open up the world of music far beyond your collection and much of it in higher resolution. 
So my recommendation is to get the best streamer you can afford (Aurender great choice)… having a little local storage on it is OK, but don’t waste money on a ripper. The sound you get will be the result of the streamer and DAC. Yggi is a great value for the money. 
I assume you are using a CD player now with an internal DAC? Or are you using a CD transport and the Yggi?
Unless you like your CDs. Much stuff unavailable to streaming. Some artists won’t do it. If your music is common don’t bother but download a bunch for when the internet is not available. Never take it for granted.
Anyway streaming IS NOT a question.
Ripping is easier on a computer, unless you ain't got one.
Great advice here.  I had the same issue, and thought I really needed to rip my CDs.  So I bought an Innuos Zenith MK.3 ripper/streamer with 1tb of storage and subscribed to Qobuz.  I find that I listen to those albums on Qobuz that I discovered through  Roon much more often than the ripped CDs.  None of my CDs were rare or hard to come by, so all of them can be found on Qobuz.  Comparing the two in my system, I cannot hear a difference between a high resolution 96/24 Quobuz tune and my ripped CDs.  Often, the Quobuz HR tune sounds better.  I do, however, have quality cables, etc., but ripped the CDs a while ago on a Innuos Zen mini and stored them on an old Toshiba portable hard drive using a standard computer usb cord before transferring them to the Zenith with the same cord.  That process may account for the SQ difference == not sure, but I am enjoying Roon on my system.  I agree, if your CD collection is not particularly rare or otherwise unlikely to be found on Qobuz or Tidal, there is no need limit your search to those streamers that include rippers and storage.