Problem Solvers Needed-Got my New XOs installed and am worried....

I think I made a big mistake. I loved the sound of my 1988 Tannoy FSM Dual concentric 15'
speakers. So I thought an expert could analyze the existing XOs and make improvements.
I installed the new XOs expecting a 300-400 hour burn in period. Herein lies the problem.

After 30 hours or so the initial sound has no high end to it. I expected to initially hear sound as good as I had
which would continue to improve as the burn in continued. But no. 

I am tempted to reinstall the old XO and kiss off the $2k invested. 

I am very open to some suggestions from anyone who has been down this road.

I'd stop and make sure I was hooked up right. Now that you've explained what you did. STOP!!! DON'T keep playing I wouldn't want to hurt those drivers.. 

I don't modify XOs other than the occasional make up cap (by pass is the wrong name) addition. My fear there was a resistor left on a HF driver or that its just wired wrong.. I don't bypass LPads and surely don't go from a tri/bi amp wiring set up to a single amp set up.. WAY to many things were changed..

The LPad removal had to have a little resistor for volume put in place? Wrong value or not hook up when bypassed.. It's in series right? Not a parallel XO..

 Again Tannoy are not that far off, they sound to good.. Am I missing something?

Less than 1 ohm? You'd be burning up amps. Thing aren't tracking.. for UNDER 1 ohm much less a 2 ohm load.. What kind of amp are you running? :-)

I may have mis-explained. There were no L-pads before. Just optional db treble settings. Like 0/+3/-3.
After a few hours of listening I rolled the big boys into the other room for storage until I had a direction on what to do. 
My amp is a Pass INT 25. 
I can send you the before and after graphs if that helps. Not familiar with how to PM people on this forum though.
I will disassemble one and try some tests.

The two XOs in both speakers are easily removed and shipped.
As you say I would have preferred to have maintained the all the original functionality.

If you have any suggestions of who to hire to fix this F-up on my part
I am listening. 


Post pics on your profile page, that's the best. I'd be looking at the db selection and what the heck was done there. No Highs, 12 db 2 components, 18 db 3 components, 24 db 4 components. If there is a notch add 2 more to any of the 3. If it has a normal series + feed.

Simple question, Did you like the way the speakers sounded before the XO change? Were you having any amp issues like overheating any weird science going on?

A Yes, No, answer is dupe the old xo with newer, better parts and be done with it.. Maybe add 2 make up cap in the mids and one in the highs..
The same values just use 2 to 3 to get the total value and it cost a lot less for the better caps and smaller values.. Nutty super voltage is the biggest mistake. 250 vac/dc caps are plenty.  Inductors, coils, and resistors.. good parts.

Don't mix up left and right either, they were tuned per box sometimes.. different values per speaker, because of driver differences..

It's easy to figure with tone burst and db level. If they are tuned and they are in the wrong box.. LOL 3-8 db difference. Left to Right..

Unhook tweeters from the network use a multimeter to test DC of tweeters to see if coils are open this would be the 1st thing I would try. Next, I would continuity test network to see if it has an issue even experts can mess up. Both are easy to do and if you don't know how too many youtube videos on doing so, multimeters are cheap so get one if you don't have one already.

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