I have had an Orbi mesh system for a couple of years now.
Although I run fiber from my main router to my main system and that works great, I operate my garage/outdoor system through one of the mesh satellites as described by @david_ten below with a 0.5M CAT8 cable from the Orbi satellite to a Metrum Baby Ambre then Jade DAC and it too sounds great with no issues (drop outs, etc.) whatsoever. I use the stock power supply on the satellite with no perceptible detriment to SQ but I do use LPSs on both fiber converters associated with my main system.
Although I run fiber from my main router to my main system and that works great, I operate my garage/outdoor system through one of the mesh satellites as described by @david_ten below with a 0.5M CAT8 cable from the Orbi satellite to a Metrum Baby Ambre then Jade DAC and it too sounds great with no issues (drop outs, etc.) whatsoever. I use the stock power supply on the satellite with no perceptible detriment to SQ but I do use LPSs on both fiber converters associated with my main system.