Thanks keegiam...
Music listening is a survival mode for me, then even without any formal knowledge of the art, i was always very blown away by some musicians or by some pieces in ANY genre or style... I always wanted to understand why?
The answer was found in me, my own spritual metabolism.... Music is not only a nourishment but also a therapeutic with various musicians/doctors, all skilled, and with many medecines in their hands, akin to each specific soul diseases or actual needs....
Music is the most underestimated " medecine" even in medecine science.... Only for the last decades this fact begins to emerge slowly now ; but it was very well known by our own prehistoric ancestors who created language and music from the same mold: their mouth and body rythmic system...
Alas! Someone deaf to music may seems sometimes to be blind to his own soul.....
It is the reason why if God gave me a choice between being deaf or blind, i will choose to be blind on the spot instead of being deaf....And i was teaching high level reading in my working life ....😁😊But we can read books even without sight anyway...
I will remember all my life this anecdote:
A french crew documentary gang was going after Ray Charles on each of his steps 24 hours by day...
They pick him someday in his monthly routine in an hospital, and a young female children walked swiftly toward him jumping in his embrace...The crew was stunned to learn that Ray was giving help and money for this children which was deaf... He pay for medical bills.... The crew ask him why? Why not blind children like him? He laugh very loud and said being blind is absolutely nothing.... Deaf is the problem.....
I never forgot this moving scene nor the meaning of Ray's laughs....