Loudest Sound Ever?

I really like this guy's YouTube channel and I thought several (maybe a few?) of
you guys would enjoy wasting(?) six minutes...


Actually does a good job of quickly explaining SPL. 
Its 10 o'clock...do you know what your SPL is?

As I have gotten older, I have less tolerance for very loud music.  At a rock concert, I have been known to pack my ears with cotton so that I can enjoy the music without grimacing in pain.  At home, my listening level is low-to-medium — definitely lower than probably a lot of other members here.  Only occasionally will I listen at louder levels, and usually that is when driving in my car. 
        "Technically the conditions prior to the Big Bang are undefined."

                  Factually: no one knows the Big Bang happened.

                         That's why it's referred to as a, "theory".
              ie: Hawkings works = Theoretical Cosmology/Physics.

https://www.newscientist.com/article/2053929-a-brief-history-of-stephen-hawking-a-legacy-of-paradox/ (RIP)
I was sitting one time in the front row at a Robin Tower concert ,I could hear after the concert....When I was young we would go to a concert and then take the NYC subway home both are really loud.Another time we were having lunch at my grandmother's house it was a ranch and the house next door blew ,and man that was loud.Gas explosion...
F22 Raptor sitting in place like helicopter, nose pointed straight up, wow!
Long term loud would have been Mitch Ryder & Detroit Wheels, standing directly in front of speaker stack, stoned and drunk.