Have you owned Sound Labs Electrostatics?

I have owned the Martin Logans, a hybrid electrostatic and the Astatic Electrostatics, and liked certain things about both. Both were limited in dynamics for the known reasons, excursion of the mylar is limited; blending of the bass dynamic drivers with the faster electrostatic panel in the ML. I have heard the Sound Labs at the CES, and found them to be enchanting. How good are they? Have you owned them? What kind of power in an 18x21x two story room would they need? Are they biampable? All information available would be appreciated. I have heard wonderful things about their sonic purity and soundstage etc. Tell me more if you have owned them please.
Hey @achipo ,

I'm guessing you will be thrilled with your Soundlabs. My A3s are now 30yrs old, and I've not been able to update caps or anything else, but they still outperform almost everything else when driven by an appropriate amp. Many friends with top Maggies, various dynamic speakers and super pricey horns all have left my place with jaws dropping after listening to Soundlabs. In a fairly carefully set up room with good, but still somewhat modest complimentary components vs. what many in this league purchase, results are still spectacular. 

While I'm not doubting @mijostyn's  experiences w/digital EQ, my budgetary priorities led me in a different direction...conventional room treatments deployed using the live-end/dead-end approach described by Dr. West at Soundlab. (My virtual system page details w/pics.) Whichever route you choose...speaker placement and room considerations are VERY impactful, and worth the effort. 

Please report back your experience after you get some listening in. Cheers,
@mijostyn and @sbank 
Thanks for your responses.  I don't often use Audiogon forum so did not see them until just now.

The amps (AtmaSphere MA1s) are due in about 4 weeks, and the speakers are due at the end of September, as are a whole bunch of acoustic treatments to tame as much of the modes as I can before applying the multi sub swarm.

I'm just not a very patient person--I want them now!