Speakers for triode tube amps

I have a Luxman CL 38u SE tube preamp and matching MQ 88 SE Triode tube amp rated at 25 wpc. I m using ProAc Anniversary Tablets at the moment and I’m wondering how I can upgrade to a speaker that can be driven with 25 Triode watts. Any recommendations on a high quality 8 ohm speaker that is easy to drive?  I know Wilson Tune Tots are out of the question (impedance/ sensitivity issues- they were my first choice.  Not interested in horn loaded speakers.  I Love the Harbeth P3 but I already own a pair of 40.1s in my main system. Any suggestions??
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xsamuelg
It would be useful to know a bit more about your specific requirements-- budget, size of room, how loud you listen, whether the current 25 watts into Tablette speakers sound good (if not, what are the sonic problems), speaker placement issues (do you have limitations on where the speakers can be placed, etc).

I tend to think that most people over estimate the amount of power they need for most of their listening.  Although tube gear manufacturers tend to give their amps a quite high output rating (relative to the amount of distortion at that rated output), it is still the case that most amps rated at 25 watts can work with relatively easy to drive speakers.  I've heard such amps with most of the Harbeth lineup and I would consider only the 40.1 to be out of consideration.

Any of the Audio Note speakers will work a 25 watt amplifier.  My favorite local dealership carries ProAc, Harbeth and Audio Note.  What is interesting is that he says that,, by far, most of his new customers come in looking for Harbeth speakers, and more than just a few end up with the Audio Note speakers; those who initially bought Harbeths often end up buying Audio Note.  
Devore and Silverline are two brands making great quality speakers that are designed with and for tube amps. If I was in your shoes, I'd be looking for Devore O93 or O96. Cheers,
+1 On the DeVore O/’s Take a look at Art Dudley’s review. And yes, you totally want an 8 ohm or higher speaker to pair magically with an amp with this topology.  Your instincts are dead on.

 that can be driven with 25 Triode watts.

I havea   pair of DavidLouis 8 inchers arriving next week, 
8 oghms, wide band
look veryyyyy promising. stay tuned for a  YT demo, in 3 weeks or less. 
thats my best pick for you./
Stay away from a  2 way. You are wasting your time and money.

Why 8 ohms. Nevermind. I know. Same old story. The speakers you seek are called Tekton

OK Tekton 
DavidLouis at the shootout. 
I bet DavidLouis beats your Tek's.