To Stream or Not to Stream

Need advice Audiogoners... I'm considering jumping into the streaming "waters". The features of the Aurender ACS 10 are most appealing to me, specifically the CD ripper feature (have a collection in excess 7k CD's). Would coupling the Aurender with the Schitt YGGDRASIL be a good pairing? Recommendations and suggestions would be greatly appreciated... Thanks
I upgraded from an Aurender to Roon Nucleus+ to Innuos Zen mini with external power supply running as Roon Core.  Roon crushes Aurender’s conductor controls and Aurender is not Roon compatible.  Though it shouldn’t need to be repeated… today’s High Resolution providers such as Qobuz and Tidal now can eclipse CD redbook standards and anyone using lossy compression formats is more than a decade behind the times.

Jump in and enjoy!
I have a library of about 700 CDs.  Maybe 5 are not available between Qobuzz and Tidal not to mention thousands of internet radio stations, many CD quality, some even better.  The exposure to new music from streaming radio stations and the ability to then access the performers or bands discography without leaving your chair is amazing.
Remember, digital sound quality starts at the wall plug.
Cambridge CXNv2 >>> Benchmark DAC 3b.
As with midareff1, I too, have the Cambridge CXNv2 streamer and the Benchmark DAC3b. Great combination!
‘Very happy with streaming even though I have about 5k CDs and 2k records.  Never thought streaming could match the SQ of CDs.  But incredibly, my CDs have become obsolete because the sound quality is identical! (What a waste of money and space.)
Records and SACDs sound better, but the convenience of streaming wins out.
Innuos Statement into Kitsune Halo May DAC. Set it and forget it and let ’er rip.
You may find that many of the 7K CDs you have are offered in hi-rez on Qobuz. Once you listed to a hi-rez version of a CD you own, you'll likely not listen to it again.