Loudest Sound Ever?

I really like this guy's YouTube channel and I thought several (maybe a few?) of
you guys would enjoy wasting(?) six minutes...


Actually does a good job of quickly explaining SPL. 
Its 10 o'clock...do you know what your SPL is?

Bassnectar show at Red Rocks 2017.. peaks at 110 dbs.. Made Red Rocks change their rules on volume and Bassnectar was banned for life.. 
In '69 I worked the summer for Marriott Corp, on one of those trucks that rises up to the plane to swap out food service stuff. We spent 1/2 the time just sitting near the runway, waiting for the plane. We weren't issued ear protectors so really got a close up experience of jet noise.

The 2 loudest were the Boeing 707s (various configs had been in use for years by then); and the then-brand new 747. The 707s had sharper, more painful sound (extremely loud engines) and the 747s had deeper, more menancing bass sound (bigger planes & engines).

Many times we sat in that truck buffeted by sound that felt like a storm (the truck shook like it was). No doubt helps explain my constant tinnitus...