Full range speaker for rogue 90 or 100 wpc amp.

I need your suggestions for full range floorstanding or other that can be driven by my rogue magnum 90 easily. I have no dealer close-by to listen to any. I am using a baetis streamer with a Rogue rp-5 pre and the magnum 90. My room is 13' x 16'.  I listen to male and female jazz singers. Some classic rock. My budget is 1,000-2,000 bucks. I have even considered DIY.
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For small budget , you have to do DIY, This amount of money you have to spend just  for plywood , drivers etc,   You bought  good amp., Why you have so limited budget for speakers, Speakers  more important   
the newest pair of Vandy 2’s you can find, or VLR on Soundanchors, add subs later. The VLR coax is shockingly good foundation. 

the links you were provided by kind poster above are ALL excellent choices also.

best to you, you have a very nice system in work….
thanks so far. a vandersteen is not a very dynamic speaker. nor does the 1c have much bass to speak of. and I have owned them both. Not sure about the magnepan but I don't think they have the bass I'm looking for. I would love to try them though.
i would look at the websites of Rogue dealers to get some insights on what they pair with your gear, other than Vandy. Enjoy the search.