What are your top 5 Billboard top 10 songs of the 1970"s?

As many agree the 1970’s had the best pop music of any recorded era, I thought it would be very interesting to see what Audiogon members have to say about this. I know 5 is tough but I did not want to make this post too long winded. As always I appreciate your time and selections. My top 5 are...

#1 Baker Street-Gerry Rafferty 1978 #2
#2 Summer Breeze-Seals & Crofts. 1972 #6
#3 American Pie-Don Mclean. 1972 #1
#4 Ricki Don’t Lose That Number. 1974 #4
#5 Miracles-Jefferson Starship. 1975 #3

Yes there are many great songs I could have placed here but this is my list for 8/18/21. Look forward to your responses!
Don't mean to cast aspersions on previous poster, but Hey Jude is perhaps the WORST song ever made IMO. Every time I hear that song reminds me of my nephew singing along with that song, the apple of his parents eye. Everyone had to watch and smile, laugh, say how cute the kid is. That kid was the most devious and provocative kid ever, how did I know, I had to babysit him! Singing that never ending song with the nah, nah, nah, nah, the memory drives me NUTS!
@rwp2694 -- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. The song ain’t perfect. But I forgive the tune’s & Harris’ performance their excesses. I appreciate the recording’s sheer romantic sweep and ardor. And the tune’s B section not only makes for a lovely interlude to the dramatics of the opening & closing sections, its lyrics are decidedly eloquent...skillfully just south of maudlin.
edcyn...It's okay; I'm not dinging it...liked it myself, grandiosity and all. Plenty to appreciate, as you say. But just saying it wasn't 70's.  Trivia questions: Harris hit the charts with MacArthur not long after "making hay" in the leading role in what movie?  The park is located in what U.S. city?  
rwp -- Richard Harris actually enjoyed quite a successful film career. I loved Man in the Wilderness. And, of course, MacArthur Park is in L.A.  I'd take my high school girlfriend there.  The tune "MacArthur Park" made me a confirmed Jimmy Webb fan, even if it did make my rock-and-roll bandmates believe I'd lost my sanity.  I actually saw Jimmy Webb perform live at the Troubadour. Terrible voice, but could that guy play cocktail lounge style piano...