It took sometime identifying the route cause and once discovered I was able to counter the measure and start enjoying music again. 😁
Best kept secret in AC line filtering conditioning
I recently bought a Gigawatt PowerPrime power conditioner with the upgraded power cord. I was not expecting much, but was pleasantly surprised by the results. Better and tighter bass, more extension (as in the music comes to you more than before), and better details, possibly due to the lower noise floor. I didn't have any hiss or noise issues before, but the Powerprime definitely provides a noticeable (but not day or night) difference. The Puritan looks to be another solid product providing great value for your money. I might have to try one for my system in the home office next year. |
Many users and discussions from another discussion thread and a multitude of different conditioners: Puritan Audio Laboratories PSM 136 ( Wig |