Rega planar 3 upgrade

I'm looking to upgrade my 30 years old Rega  planar 3.  I have the motor upgrade from Rega installed.
I have a Linn Linto Phonostage with a Ortofon Rondo Red MC cartridge (which I hate...too bright for me).
I have thoughts of switching to the Rega Ania pro MC cartridge and maybe replacing the cable of the RB300 tonearm (30 years ago the RB300 came with a very poor quality cable).
1. Any thought on the Ania pro ?  Would it fit the Linn Linto ?
2. What cable can I use to upgrade the RB300 ? Can I use an old XLO Reference 3 RCA cable that I have, strip its edge and mount it to the RB300 ?
Think of saving up for a Rega Planer 6. YOLO!
I had a Linto on loan once and it was okay. Very tight and a little dry. The basic Croft Micro tube phono amp was more lively and transparent. There is so much more you can do.
I think you would be better served exploring the Planar 6 - the table itself is a significant improvement that you would hear the difference using the same cartridge on the Planar 3.
Seems like Rega P3 owners have been getting the itch lately....

I'd spend the extra cash for the P8 and Apheta, since you're a long hauler
Good for the next  30 years.

Consider upping the phono stage afterwards.

Good with used? Get this NOW

At that price WITH excellent cart, forget the P6 
I totally agree guys. You convinced me. After 30 years...its time to let go.
It reminds me a restoration I did to a Suzuki GSX750ES 1985. I gave it my heart but eventually it remained a beautiful but old antique, with a fraction of the fun of a new motorcycle.

The question is now : P6/Ania-Pro or P8/Apheta ?